No new pics...I'm slackin on the laptop. Baylie and I are watching Dancing with the Stars while the boys are at the Rockies game, hopefully watching them progress to the playoffs. I wanted to share a few things that we have been up to.....
Jeff is getting more used to his 8-5 schedule, I think. He was definitely getting tired of all the driving at home, and I think finding himself with more breaks in the day. He calls me to chat daily and that is new. Jeff hasn't generally been a "call to chat" person. He says that all the people at the plant are friendly. I'm sure they are glad to be rid of Frank! Kidding! Last weekend, one of Q's suppliers invited he and I (Jeff, not Frank) to watch the Broncos game from their suite! It was very nice with a great view, and plenty of food and drink. Walking through the parking lot was amazing too. I have never seen tailgating of that caliber. Not that I have seen a lot of tailgating activity in my lifetime, but Jeff was pretty amazed as well. Bronco-themed trailers, cars, motorhomes, etc. with decorations, games, food, etc.
Brady's hair hasn't been cut since summer and it was bad then :( We keep saying we'll get it done THIS weekend, but then it is Sunday and well, time has gotten away from us. He LOVES it though, and I am hoping we can meet in the middle for it to look decent. He finished intramural basketball and I took at least three pics of him playing with his hair - bad habit - can't imagine where he picked that up! I will post them as soon as I get them off my phone. He is doing his best to not keep up on his homework, but Jeff and I are doing our best nagging. Okay, I'm the nag. There is a website you can monitor and of course I am on it daily, which thrills Brady to his toes. But, he still has the mentality that if he ignores something hard enough, it will disappear...I was hoping this would begin to improve as he is nearing 13 but unfortunately this is apparently when it worsens... GRRR. He has recently started intramural flag football and is having a blast. So of course, I use this as leverage. He has only had to miss one practice for homework. He is making a stool in woodworking and we are excited to see that! Also, they did a fun run in PE to Subway and are gearing up to start dissecting things in Science.
Baylie received her recorder on Friday! They wont start playing it in music until this week, but we got to hear her play all weekend :P The very best was at 7 AM Saturday morning. I taught her the one song I know, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and she almost has it down. She also likes to clean her recorder! She had a play date last week to her friend, Olivia Yang's house. She and Olivia are about the same size and have lots of fun. She also plays with Taylor Boley at recess, who will come over tomorrow after school. Baylie is getting taller and keeping very active, which is great, except for in terms of her weight. I got some protein-powder to make shakes they prescribe at Children's and she actually likes them, so keep your fingers crossed. Today, I could see her out at PE playing flag tag and the poor thing was struggling to keep her sweatpants up :( Also today, she rode her scooter the entire 100 yards to school...!!! Lots of other kids do it and she was dying to, so she went for it.
I am volunteering in the 3rd grade two days a week and getting to know the kids. It is nice to be right across the street but somehow I still manage to be late most of the time. Hmmmmmm. My neighbors and I will start golf lessons this Wednesday for the month of October. I am stressing to find the right attire (and not my lack of golfing skills) but will wing it this week and see what the trend is so I am ready for next week. :) Bunco starts this Friday and there are 16 of us, so that should be fun. I don't want to have it here until I feel like the house is put together a little more, which could be a while. The living room by the front door is completely empty and there is no current plan in motion to buy anything for it, so I am glad there are 15 other homes as options in the meantime. Last Friday, we took the kids to the Denver Science Museum for the Titanic exhibit. They loved it. You received a boarding pass at the beginning with the name of a real passenger and what class they were in, their history, etc. At the end, there was a list of all the survivors and non-survivors and you found "your" name. Other than that, Jeff and I have attended a few BBQs (with kids), an annual neighborhood fiesta party complete with a tequila-shot ice luge contraption, and a karaoke party (Baylie called us to report she couldn't sleep before it was our turn - saved by the bell). We are also going to the gym together most mornings, though I am in charge of setting the alarm for 530, getting out of bed to walk across our bedroom to turn off the alarm (or most often hit snooze), and poking him wake him and ask if he is going or not. I would say we generally make it three weekdays and every other Saturday. It is great "couple time" for us - we don't speak on the way there because we are still half asleep and pre-coffee, then go our separate ways inside. Afterward, we stop at Starbucks so I can get caffeine and then I chat his ear off the rest of the way home :)
Oh and how could I forget, we bought our plane tickets home for the holidays! December 23rd through January 2nd - everyone clear your calendars :) And last but not least, if anyone was wondering, Lucas is doing well. I took him to the vet today who said he is in great shape for 15 and has some years left in him - sorry JW :)