After a most exciting weekend involving High School Musical 2 and a new neighbor BBQ, I believe we all survived our first full week of school! Mommy and Baylie have figured out the pickup and dropoff spots, the weather has cooled off somewhat so we can break out some of our cute new outfits, and each of the kids was invited to a new friend's house. Brady and his group in science constructed the best aluminum foil boat that held the most pennies and I have only had to run one forgotten item over to him at the school (so far!!). Also, Brady has decided he likes tennis very much and he and Jeff (I have attempted miserably) have gone to the courts at the school several times to play. Baylie had PE twice and is getting used to Mr. PE teacher with the loud voice. Also, she is very excited to start playing the recorder in music! There was an ice cream social on Friday that Baylie and I hit the tail end of (she wanted a real snack first and B was at his friend, Austin's house). Last night (see bad cell phone pic above), we were invited to the Omni Hotel where our neighbor is the manager of, for swimming at two outside pools and hot tub while watching "Night at the Museum". It was tons of fun and I'm sure Jeff is sorry he missed out, as he was back in Washington tying up loose ends with the sale of our house and his former position at work.
Dalton loves the bunny story!
I thought Brady's favorite subject was Literature:)
Hey guys, I was delighted to hear you had a blog site. I should hve known. You are so good Kristen. Sounds like everyone is adjusting well. Ashley really enjoyed checking the site out and see the pictures with Bailey in them. Take care.
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