Brady decided to be a cheerleader again this Halloween - it was that or Bart Simpson...so the cheerleader was easy. And Baylie was Elvis... it was pretty funny. She did the lip curl pretty well. There were a lot of cute and original costumes at the school. Grandma Elva came to visit on her way to visit a friend in Florida. In the picture, she is drinking Airborne so she hopefully won't get our crud. While she was here, I was sick with a touch of some stomach virus and Jeff was on his third virus!! So, we were lots of fun to be around. Brady went trick-or-treating with some friends and came home with 12 pounds of candy!!! He weighed himself holding it. Baylie and Jeff went with some neighbor dads and their girls. He said they would hit 3-4 houses and then take a break to enjoy some treats. Elvis's wig got itchy and so by the end, it was ditched. I stayed home and worked a bit and answered the door. I expected tons of kids and had too much candy so by the end, was giving handfuls.
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