Apparently the 3rd grade will go on nine field trips this school year while studying Colorado State History. The first exciting adventure was the Denver Rock and Gem Show! I got to ride the quiet and nice-smelling (not) bus with my group of six 3rd graders. It was very interesting, with lots of very old and expensive things they didn't want touched by grimy hands! There was an area where you could "pan for gold" which is what Baylie is doing above. She didn't get any gold... darn it ... a few other bits and pieces of rock (I guess?) A nice man gave my group each a card that had a gold chip on it :) On the bus ride home, Baylie was tired out and proceeded to lay her head down on my lap, which of course made her car (bus) sick, so promptly after returning home, I got a call from the school that she was in the sick room...we will know better on the next trip!
1 comment:
Hi Warrens!
Fun to keep track of all your activities. Looks like you are having a blast. Fall is arriving fast around here--getting chilly. We miss you around here. Miss Tay sends a special shout out to Little Miss Bay!!! Talk soon....
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