Baylie and I at her symphony field trip..
Baylie playing Queen Roxy's silly assistant in Cinderella
Visit with Gramma!
Brady #31
Baylie's California state report
It has been a long time since I have blogged as I have been keeping in touch with others on Facebook now (even Kathy Thurmond!) and having trouble keeping up with both!! School has been going great for the kids thus far... Brady is enjoying 8th grade and had a blast playing football. Basketball started a couple weeks ago and he had his first game Friday!! Baylie has been busy as well taking dance, Rocky Mountain Children's Stage Cinderella play, taking Spanish and playing her recorder!!
Over the long Halloween weekend, we went to the mountains with our friends the Spanglers to a YMCA camp. There was a lot to do and so much wildlife!! Also, Gramma Sue came over Veteran's Day weekend and we loved spending time with her. This Friday (the 21st) we leave to Washington for Thanksgiving Break and hope to see all of our family and friends.
I am still typing away and volunteering in Baylie's classroom twice a week. Jeff and I joined a new gym which we like tons better!
Below are some pics of what we have been up to!!!
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