I am completely blown away by the fact we have been in Colorado an entire year!! Time definitely has flown. And on that note, it's hard for me to believe Brady is starting 8th grade - wow! This time next year, I will be driving him to the high school every morning which I hear is all kinds of fun... hopefully we can get a carpool going!
We still have a long list of things to see in Colorado and in the next year, I hope we can make some check marks on that list! It sounds like we may go to Winter Park over Labor Day weekend if we can find someone not leaving town to watch Chloe.
Speaking of Chloe, I am ready for her to get of the 'roids! For those of you that don't know, she had a wonkie allergic reaction a couple of weeks ago. Her little face puffed up twice it's normal size and she had some scary bruising on her body. After a doggie ER visit and two-day stay with an internist (and of course lots of $$), her skin biopsy revealed - surprise - an allergic reaction! Sheesh, glad we paid that $400 to hear that news. The good news is it was nothing she needs to be treated for long term. They had put her on some steroids which make her very hungry, thirsty and annoying!! People are generally amazed that she is not a barky little doggie but she sure has been while on the 'roids!! Today is the last day and I am glad!
The kids are doing well in their first week of school. Brady likes all of his classes, including Spanish, and is on the eighth grade football team. Go AC Coyotes!! He molded his mouth guard last night and has a new cup so that is big and exciting news here. Unfortunately he still has the early lunch (essentially brunch - 10:47 a.m.) but this year all eighth graders are in there. Baylie has a "man teacher" this year - Mr. Geraghty. She really wanted him and even though none of her closest friends are in her class, she is excited. She reminded me that last year at the start of school, she knew next to nobody, so was okay with her situation this year. In third grade, they mixed classes daily for math groups etc. so she knew all the third graders - even those in different classes. Baylie will be starting Spanish in September one morning a week over at the school, so with both kids involved, I guess I better brush up on my Espanol :) Also, Baylie wants me to note that she has a planner ("agenda" as they were called at Bay View) in fourth grade!! She is working on being very organized this year!! (She is already organized. Last year... pigsty.... written by Miss Baylie Mae)!!